Oferta szkoleniowa: University of California Davis School of Law

University of California, Davis School of Law International Law Programs in 2018.  2018 marks the 29th year the University of California, Davis School of Law offers attorneys, judges and legal professionals from around the world the opportunity to participate in our exceptional programs especially designed for foreign practitioners and students. The following are some special program highlights.  Graduate Program

Londyn: wykład Przewodniczącego Rady Nadzorczej Europejskiego Banku Centralnego

Londyn: wykład Przewodniczącego Rady Nadzorczej Europejskiego Banku Centralnego

Centre of European Law The Dickson Poon School of Law 43rd Annual Lecture Everything is connected – the international dimension of banking regulation and supervision by Mrs Daniele Nouy, Chair of the Supervisory Board, European Central Bank In the Chair Professor Sir Francis Jacobs QC, King’s College London 23.10.2017 r. 18.30 -19.30 Edmond Safra  Lecture Theatre Strand Campus King’s

Trewir: seminarium dot. prania brudnych pieniędzy

Trewir: seminarium dot. prania brudnych pieniędzy

The 4th and Upcoming 5th EU Anti-Money Laundering Directives. Practical impact of the new EU anti-money laundering framework. Trier, 16-17 November 2017 10% discount available until 16 October 2017 Objective This seminar will explain the current European anti-money laundering landscape and focus on the challenges and changes arising from the transposition of the fourth Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Directive as

Kurs Legal English w Nowym Jorku

Improve your legal English while learning the core foundations of U.S. law and practical lawyering skills. Located in the heart of New York City, this full-time program is tailored to help international lawyers and law students develop global skills. Choose between credit and non-credit enrollment options. Register for non-credit option Register for credit via LL.M.

Zaoczne studia podyplomowe z prawa konkurencji, własności intelektualnej i prawa zamówień publicznych w Kings College w Londynie

Zaoczne studia podyplomowe z prawa konkurencji, własności intelektualnej i prawa zamówień publicznych w Kings College w Londynie

The Centre of European Law offers Postgraduate Diplomas/MA (Distance Learning) in EU Law EU Competition Law  Economics for Competition Law UK, EU & US Copyright Law  Public Procurement Regulation in the EU These programmes are ideal for busy international professionals who wish to expand their knowledge and understanding in their field and gain a competitive

Trewir: konferencja nt. przeciwdziałania nielegalnemu przekraczaniu granicy przez migrantów

ERA save the date COUNTERING MIGRANT SMUGGLING Tools and Challenges Trier, 30 November – 1 December 2017 10% discount available until 30 October 2017 Objective With the influx of irregular migrants into the EU only having partially subsided due to the closing of the Western Balkans route, criminals still smuggle migrants across the Mediterranean and other

Bruksela: konferencja dla prawników procesowych

The European Circuit Annual Conference – September 28th and 29th 2017 Brussels 28th – 29th September, 2017  Euro Vision for litigators in Europe & beyond Brussels conference 28 and 29 September 2017 The European Circuit Annual Conference in cooperation with the French and Flemish speaking Bars of Brussels and the American Counsel Association TO REGISTER, PLEASE

Informacja o konferencji nt. zwalczania terroryzmu

Annual Conference on Countering Terrorism 2017 Tools and Challenges Trier, 23-24 November 2017 10% discount available until 23 October 2017 Objective This annual conference will analyse the latest developments in the European Union’s response to the threat of terrorism, with a focus on the follow-up to the adoption of EU Directive 2017/541 on combating terrorism, the

Konferencja w Brukseli nt. integracji imigrantów

Konferencja w Brukseli nt. integracji imigrantów

Promoting Migrant Integration for a Powerful, Diverse and Multicultural Europe Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre, Brussels Thursday 14th September 2017 KEY SPEAKERS: Antoine Savary Deputy Head of Unit, DG HOME European Commission Roumyana Petrova-Benedict Senior Regional Migration Health Advisor IOM, Migrant Health Division, Regional Office Brussels George Konstantinos Charonis Policy Officer for Youth Rights European Youth

Konferencja w Brukseli 28-29.09.2017 r. Brexit: Legal Consequences for the EU

ERA preview Brexit: Legal Consequences for the EU Brussels, 28-29 September 2017 Early-bird fee until 28 August 2017: 261 EUR Objective With the Article 50 TEU notification of the UK’s intention to withdraw from membership of the EU on 28 March 2017, the process of Brexit began. This conference aims to provide participants with an

Europe’s Action Plan on Drugs: Cooperation and Collaboration for the Reduction of Demand and Supply

Europe’s Action Plan on Drugs: Cooperation and Collaboration for the Reduction of Demand and Supply

Przedstawiamy poniżej informacje o sympozjum nt. narkotyków, które odbędzie się 7 listopada 2017 r. w Brukseli. According to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), the drug market remains the largest and most dynamic illicit market in the EU. Each year, illicit drugs worth approximately 24 billion Euros are being sold, whilst