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Oferta szkoleniowa: University of California Davis School of Law

University of California, Davis School of Law International Law Programs in 2018.

 2018 marks the 29th year the University of California, Davis School of Law offers attorneys, judges and legal professionals from around the world the opportunity to participate in our exceptional programs especially designed for foreign practitioners and students. The following are some special program highlights. 

Graduate Program

Our Master of Laws (LL.M.) program integrates American and international law students at all levels of study. Through the LL.M. Program, international law graduates are able to gain knowledge of the U.S. legal system and develop an expertise in a particular area of law. 


 2018 Summer Programs

.           Orientation in U.S.A. Law (July 8 – August 4, 2018) provides an excellent four-week overview of the U.S. legal system. Over the past 28 years, nearly 3,000 participants from 50 countries have taken part in this program.


 .           English for Legal Professionals in Davis, California (June 24 – July 7, 2018) is an intensive program preparing high intermediate to advanced level participants interested in improving their English language skills for success in law-oriented careers.


 .           The two-week Structuring International Joint Ventures program (August 5-18, 2018) is a specialized course for working legal professionals who wish to learn about complex international and U.S. business and legal transactions. This program also provides practical skills for representing clients in international joint ventures.


 .           The Licensing Academy on Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer (June 17-30, 2018) provides international lawyers, technology managers and scientific professionals with strategies and tactics for managing intellectual property.


.           Also, look for Specialized One-Week Intensive Seminars in Securities, Private International Law, International Tax and International Business Transactions (July 8 -August 4, 2018).



Beth Greenwood

Associate Dean

International Programs

School of Law

University of California, Davis

400 Mrak Hall Drive

Davis, CA 95616 U.S.A.

Tel: +1 (530) 752-6081

Fax: +1 (530) 752-4704

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International Law Programs

School of Law

University of California, Davis

400 Mrak Hall Drive

Davis, CA 956182 U.S.A.

(530) 752-6081