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Informacja o konferencji nt. zwalczania terroryzmu

Annual Conference on Countering Terrorism 2017

Tools and Challenges

Trier, 23-24 November 2017

10% discount available until 23 October 2017


This annual conference will analyse the latest developments in the European Union’s response to the threat of terrorism, with a focus on the follow-up to the adoption of EU Directive 2017/541 on combating terrorism, the ongoing implementation of the European Agenda on Security, as well as the European Commission’s latest proposals to tackle violent radicalisation leading to terrorism, terrorist financing and the freezing of assets.

What participants liked last year

… comprehensive update on EU law in the field

…wide selction of speakers and relevance of topics

…the issue & types of participants (practitioners)

…conference exceeded my expectation

Key topics

  • Actions implemented since the adoption of EU Directive (EU) 2017/541 on combating terrorism, especially in relation to terrorist offences, offences related to terrorist groups and activities, as well as specific measures of protection and assistance to victims of terrorism
  • Measures to improve cross-border cooperation in relation to the exchange of information, investigations, arrests and prosecutions
  • Dealing with radicalised individuals and foreign fighters
  • Latest developments regarding the EU Action Plan for strengthening the fight against terrorist financing, money laundering and asset recovery
  • Counter-terrorism and human rights in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.

>> Further information and
online registration

Language: English

Organiser: ERA (Ramin Farinpour)

Event number: 317R21