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Konferencja w Brukseli 28-29.09.2017 r. Brexit: Legal Consequences for the EU

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Brexit: Legal Consequences for the EU

Brussels, 28-29 September 2017

Early-bird fee until 28 August 2017: 261 EUR


With the Article 50 TEU notification of the UK’s intention to withdraw from membership of the EU on 28 March 2017, the process of Brexit began. This conference aims to provide participants with an overview of its legal consequences for the EU.

Key topics

  • Legal framework of Brexit
  • Negotiations on Brexit
  • Legal issues for the negotiations such as:
    free movement of persons
    • mutual financial claims
    • dispute-settling

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online registration

Language: English

Organiser: ERA (Karolina Rokicka)

Event number: 417D94


Catherine Barnard
Professor of European Union Law, Trinity College, Cambridge

Nial Fennelly
former Member of the Supreme Court of Ireland, former Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union, Dublin

Alexander Layton QC
Barrister, Arbitrator, 20 Essex Street, London

Adam Łazowski
Professor of European Law, University of Westminster, London

María-Luisa Sánchez-Barrueco
Senior Lecturer in EU Law, University of Deusto

Takis Tridimas
Professor of European Union Law, King’s College London; Barrister, Matrix Chambers

A few places still available

ERA Jubilee Congress

The authority of EU law – do we still believe in it?

Trier, 19-20 October 2017

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To celebrate its 25th Jubilee Year, a congress will be held on 19-20 October 2017 in Trier and a series of other events around Europe.

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