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2018 04 19 Londyn: seminarium nt. mobbingu

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) is very pleased to announce the distinguished panel of speakers for the seminar:

Harassment and Bullying in the Legal Workplace:

Systemic or Rare? What can and should be done?

Thursday 19 April 2018

The Law Society, London

Doors open at 5.30pm

Event starts at 6pm

Click here to register for the event


  • Funke Abimbola MBE, General Counsel for Roche UK, diversity campaigner
  • Harini IyengarBarrister, 11 King’s Bench Walk
  • Peter Knox QCHead of Chambers, 3 Hare Court
  • Lord David Neubergerformer President of the Supreme Court
  • Katrina Robinson MBEChair of the LGBT Committee, The Law Society
  • Chair: Khawar Qureshi QCSerle Court Chambers

About the event:

As other industries and professions have begun to shed light on the power structures, which result in abuse, harassment, and bullying of many sorts, the distinguished panel will explore whether these abuses of power are also taking place in the legal workplace. Considering issues of gender, race, sexuality and beyond, the session will consider how ingrained these issues are, what can be done to bring these issues to light and how they should be combatted to ensure that the legal workplace is diverse, fair and allows everyone to thrive.

Click here to register for the event