Home / Aktualności / 2018 06 28 – 2018 07 01 Amsterdam: kongres Europejskiego Stowarzyszenia Młodych Prawników European Young Bar Association EYBA

2018 06 28 – 2018 07 01 Amsterdam: kongres Europejskiego Stowarzyszenia Młodych Prawników European Young Bar Association EYBA

On behalf of the European Young Bar Association (EYBA) and the Amsterdam Young Bar Association, our committee is organising this year’s annual EYBA Summer Conference & AGM 2018. This conference will take place in Amsterdam from Thursday, 28 June 2018 to Sunday, 1 July 2018 and this year’s theme will be “Dutch Masters”.  This years’ edition will be especially festive as the EYBA will celebrate its 25th anniversary.

The Conference is an excellent opportunity for young Polish lawyers to meet foreign colleagues in an informal and relaxed setting, to exchange experiences and to expand the international network in the beautiful city of Amsterdam.

During the four days of the conference, the participants can expect a programme packed with thought-provoking lectures of renowned legal scholars and the most talented lawyers, as well as cultural activities, with the gala dinner at an elegant venue in the heart of Amsterdam as a highlight of the conference. Of course there will be plenty of time for the participants to explore Amsterdam too.


The EYBA, the Amsterdam Young Bar Association and the organising committee would be delighted to welcome young Polish lawyers at this year’s festive Summer Conference. The details on the full programme, information about tickets and registration will soon be shared on the event’s Facebook page.

We would greatly appreciate it if you could share the information about this year’s EYBA Summer Conference with your members, be it in a newsletter, on your website or on social media. We have included a short text with information about the programme, which you can use. You can also share the save the date video which we prepared for the event. Please let us know, whether you will share information abou our event and, if so, how.


The EYBA is a European non-profit association of young lawyers. The organisation brings together young bar associations from across Europe in one representative organisation, providing a unified voice for young lawyers on a continent-wide basis. EYBA members comprise of individuals and young bar associations. They reflect the diversity of modern European legal practice, including young lawyers in a variety of full-service global, regional and national law firms, members of leading independent law firms, and public sector lawyers working for their Governments.