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17.04.2018 Bruksela: 8 Międzynarodowe Symposium nt. handlu ludźmi i przemytu emigrantów

8th Annual International Symposium on Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling

Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre, Brussels

Tuesday 17th April 2018

Event Details  Event Brochure  Website  Register to Attend

The trafficking in human beings has, over the last decade, increased significantly. According to the International Labour Organisation, in 2012 there were 20.9 million people were victims of forced labour and sexual exploitation in the world. In the period 2013-14 EU countries reported 15,846 victims of human trafficking, 76% of which were women and girls according to a European Commission report. It is estimated that two out of three registered victims (67%) were trafficked for sexual exploitation, 21% for other types of forced labour and 12% for other types of exploitation.

The EU Directive 2011/36 and the EU Strategy towards the Eradication of Trafficking in Human Beings (2012-2016) have, in recent years, served as guidance for the implementation of effective means of preventing trafficking, protecting victims and prosecuting traffickers. In December 2017, the European Commission issued a communication through which it encouraged stepping up the efforts to set out a comprehensive strategy for EU actions aimed at eradicating human trafficking. A set of targeted actions have been identified to that end, in three priority areas: disrupting the traffickers’ business model and untangling the trafficking chain, providing better access to appropriate care and realising the rights for victims and intensifying a coordinated and consolidated response, both within and outside the EU.

With the recent migratory, economic and security challenges, the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings continues to represent an issue which requires a coherent and coordinated response to address its effect upon individuals, society and the economy. According to the Modern Slavery Index 2017, an annual study by Verisk Maplecroft, over the last year modern slavery risks have risen in almost three quarters of the European Union, as 20 countries recorded a drop in their scores. The research highlighted Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Romania and Bulgaria as the five countries posing the highest risk in the EU, all of which are key entry points for migrants who are particularly vulnerable to exploitation.

In light of the new commitment of the European Union to adopt new targeted actions to combat the growing challenge of human trafficking, this timely international symposium provides an invaluable opportunity to discuss and analyse effective mechanisms to prevent, address and strengthen multi-agency response. Delegates will have the chance to share best practice and discuss ways to protect the victims of human trafficking. Public Policy Exchange welcomes the participation of all key partners, responsible authorities and stakeholders.

Delegates will:

  • Explore how to build effective multi-agency cooperation to ensure the conviction of perpetrators
  • Consider ways to safeguard victims by strengthening victim support
  • Take part in interactive discussions with key stakeholders and share best practice in the protection of trafficking victims
  • Examine how to better identify, protect and support victims of sexual exploitation through the delivery a person-centred safeguarding system
  • Share ideas on and transfer current knowledge of available training and education for frontline staff to ensure that they are qualified to identify and assess victims of trafficking
  • Evaluate the importance of partnership working and discuss how best to implement effective multi-sector collaboration

To view our brochure, including the full event programme, click here. 

I am pleased to advise you that we offer a 20% early registration discount off the standard delegate rates (subject to type of organisation and terms and conditions) for bookings received by the 9th March 2018. Do feel free to circulate this information to relevant colleagues within your organisation.

In the meantime, to ensure your organisation is represented, please book online or complete and return the attached registration form at your earliest convenience in order to secure your delegate place(s).

Conference Team
Public Policy Exchange
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