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Joint statement of the current situation in Poland on behalf of UCPI, IAPL, IDHAE and Dutch League for Human Rights

December 22, 2017


L’Unione delle Camere Penali Italiane, con l’Institut des Droits de l’Homme des Avocats Européens e l’International Association of People’s Lawyers, esprime la propria preoccupazione per l’attacco allo Stato di diritto in atto in Polonia.

In tal senso accoglie con favore l’avvio da parte della Commissione europea della complessa procedura di cui all’art. 7 del Trattato sull’Unione europea.

Quello della Commissione è solo il primo passo di un lungo iter che dovrà coinvolgere tutte le istituzioni dell’Unione; si tratta, però, di una presa di posizioni senza precedenti che testimonia la forte attenzione verso il rispetto dei valori dello Stato di diritto.

The Union of Italian Criminal Chambers, with the Institut des Droits de l’Homme des Avocats Européens and the International Association of People’s Lawyers, expresses its concern over the attack on the rule of law in Poland.

In this sense, it welcomes the launch by the European Commission of the complex procedure referred to as article  7 of the Treaty of the European Union.

This action by the Commission is only the first step in a long process that must involve all the institutions of the Union; however, it is a question of taking unprecedented positions that bears witness to the strong focus on respect for the values ​​of the rule of law.

L’Unione delle Camere Penali Italiane, conjointement avec l’Institut des droits de l’homme des avocats européens et l’Association internationale des avocats du peuple, exprime sa profonde préoccupation  face à l’atteinte à l’état de droit en Pologne.
En ce sens, il se félicite du lancement par la Commission européenne de la procédure complexe visée à l’art. 7 du Traité sur l’Union européenne.
L’action de la Commission n’est que la première étape d’un long processus qui doit impliquer toutes les institutions de l’Union; Cependant, il s’agit d’adopter des mesures sans précédent qui témoignent du fort accent mis sur le respect des valeurs de la primauté du droit.—Comunicato-congiunto_situazione-Polonia.pdf

Joint statement Poland

peopleslawyers | 22 de December de 2017 at 14:11 | Tags: Dutch League for Human Rights, European Union, IAPL, IDHAE, Poland, UCPI | Categories: Sem categoria | URL:
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