Home / Aktualności / 18-29.06.2018 r. Nowy Jork: Legal English and Communication Skills Course

18-29.06.2018 r. Nowy Jork: Legal English and Communication Skills Course

Immerse yourself in U.S. law and learn to communicate ideas and legal concepts clearly and precisely in English. Designed for foreign lawyers and law students, this 2-week course explores
core U.S. legal topics as a vehicle for understanding legal terminology and terms of art, methods of analysis, and the
use of cases in legal writing and argument.

Acquire the skills to understand, analyze, write and present American legal materials succinctly and confidently, and be an active participant in the U.S. legal profession and/or classroom.


Study in the heart of Manhattan,
just steps away from Lincoln
Center for the Performing Arts, Central Park, and the theaters,
clubs, museums, shopping,
and restaurants that make
New York the nation’s
cultural capital.

Limited on-campus housing is available.