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Trewir: konferencja nt. przeciwdziałania nielegalnemu przekraczaniu granicy przez migrantów

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Tools and Challenges

Trier, 30 November – 1 December 2017

10% discount available until 30 October 2017


With the influx of irregular migrants into the EU only having partially subsided due to the closing of the Western Balkans route, criminals still smuggle migrants across the Mediterranean and other secondary routes making it one of the most profitable forms of transnational crime in Europe. An effective and coordinated judicial and law enforcement response across the EU is still lacking and the tools to deal with this problem are only slowly being put in place.

This seminar will look into the various aspects that need to be considered when dealing with migrant smuggling in order to identify the actions that can be taken to enhance cross-border judicial and law enforcement cooperation in this field.

Key topics

  • Update on actions implemented under the EU Action Plan Against Migrant Smuggling 2015-2020, the European Agenda on Migration and the EU-Turkey Joint Action Plan
  • Eurojust’s and Europol’s Migrant Smuggling Centre’s (EMSC) tools and actions to enhance cross-border cooperation in countering migrant smuggling and tracking the proceeds of crime
  • EU action to destroy migrant smugglers’ assets: Frontex and the EU Naval Force Mediterranean’s (EUNAVFOR MED) Operation Sophia and other international actors in the field
  • Return policy and cooperation with third countries in countering migrant smuggling
  • Methods for prosecuting migrant smugglers, in particular in cross-border cases
  • Tracing and confiscation of assets connected to migrant smuggling

Language: English

Organiser: ERA (Ramin Farinpour)

Event number: 317D43

EJTN Catalogue

This event is part of the Catalogue+ of EJTN.

There are 10 free places available for judges and prosecutors from the Member States.

Application deadline: 23 October 2017

To apply, please contact the EJTN secretariat:

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