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Zaoczne studia podyplomowe z prawa konkurencji, własności intelektualnej i prawa zamówień publicznych w Kings College w Londynie

The Centre of European Law offers Postgraduate Diplomas/MA (Distance Learning) in

EU Law

EU Competition Law

 Economics for Competition Law

UK, EU & US Copyright Law

 Public Procurement Regulation in the EU

These programmes are ideal for busy international professionals who wish to expand their knowledge and understanding in their field and gain a competitive advantage in their career.    They are taught by leading King’s academics and experts and combine flexibility of study with two intensive weekend seminars at which you will meet your fellow students and lecturers.

The programmes obtained a student satisfaction rating of 95.7% in 2016/17 (Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey) and the chance to study and achieve a degree from  a world-class institution.

There are still limited places available please follow the links above in order to find out more information about the programmes including how to apply.

If you have any queries about the Centre of European Law please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards


Christine Copping


Centre of European Law

The Dickson Poon School of Law

King’s College London


London WC2R 2LS

Tel + 44 207 848 2387

Mob + 7712 854973

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