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List Prezes Federacji Adwokatur Europejskich do Komisarza Praw Człowieka Rady Europy

Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z listem Prezes FBE pani Sary Chandler do Komisarza Praw Człowieka Rady Europy pana Nilsa Muiznieks.

Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights 67075 Strasbourg Cedex
FRANCE 17 July 2017

Dear Mr Muiznieks,
Constitutional change in Poland in respect of the judicial system.
I write on behalf of the Federation of European Bars (Federation des Barreaux d’Europe FBE) which represents 250 local law societies and bar associations of Europe and their 800,000 members.
We are seriously dismayed at the constitutional changes which impacts the independence of the judicial system in Poland, and threatens the rule of law as a result of the interference of the executive in judicial appointments and the impact of this on democracy in Poland.
The General Assembly of the FBE meeting in The Hague passed the following resolution: „On the 3rd June 2017, the General Assembly of the FBE, which represents 250 member Bars and their 800.000 member lawyers, expressed its grave concerns for the situation of judges and lawyers in Poland, recognizing that there has been an erosion of the independence of judges, prosecutors, lawyers and the administration of justice because of the intervention of the government in the appointment and dismissal of judges, failure to respect the decisions of the Courts and interference in the prosecution service.”
On 17 July 2017, the Presidency of the FBE meeting in Paris calls upon the Human Rights Commission of the Council of Europe to express its grave concern at the constitutional changes in Poland, and to warn what the consequences of such lack of independence has for the Poland.

I am your respectful servant,
Professor Sara Chandler QC (Hon), President of the Federation of European Bars