Konferencja pt. „Praskie dni prawa europejskiego”, która odbędzie się w Pradze w terminie od 7 do 8 czerwca 2018 r. Podczas konferencji poruszona zostanie problematyka Brexitu, wolnego przepływu osób, prawa własności intelektualnej i spraw zagranicznych Unii Europejskiej. Szczegółowe informacje oraz program dostępne są na stronie internetowej konferencji:  Jednym ze współorganizatorów jest Akademia Prawa Europejskiego ERA (Academy of European Law). Under

2018 03 02 Londyn: konferencja nt. prawa europejskiego w Kings College

The Centre of European Law Annual European Law Conference Friday 2 March 2018 King’s College London Programme 09.00-09.30     Registration Chair: Professor Sir Francis Jacobs, QC, Kings College London 09.30 -10.10    Keynote Speech Values and the rule of law: Foundations of the European Union – An inside perspective from the ECJ Judge Professor Thomas von Danwitz, Court of

08.07.2018 – 18.08.2018 Cambridge: International Summer Programmes at Cambridge University

Bookings for the 2018 International Summer Programmes at Cambridge University are now open. Join us in 2018 and study at one of the world’s leading universities. Every July and August our International Summer Programmes offer adults of all ages and backgrounds an intensive learning experience with the opportunity to live in some of Cambridge’s

17.04.2018 Bruksela: 8 Międzynarodowe Symposium nt. handlu ludźmi i przemytu emigrantów

8th Annual International Symposium on Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre, Brussels Tuesday 17th April 2018 Event Details  Event Brochure  Website  Register to Attend The trafficking in human beings has, over the last decade, increased significantly. According to the International Labour Organisation, in 2012 there were 20.9 million people were victims of forced labour and

The European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation

The European Interuniversity Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) and 41 participating universities from all member states of the European Union are proud to present to you the European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (E.MA) 2018/2019. We write to you on this occasion to kindly ask you to disseminate the launch of the 2018/2019 edition of the E.MA on

18-29.06.2018 r. Nowy Jork: Legal English and Communication Skills Course

Immerse yourself in U.S. law and learn to communicate ideas and legal concepts clearly and precisely in English. Designed for foreign lawyers and law students, this 2-week course explores core U.S. legal topics as a vehicle for understanding legal terminology and terms of art, methods of analysis, and the use of cases in legal writing and argument. Acquire

03-04.05.2018 r. Paryż: UIA Training Workshop: Win, Keep and Grow your Clients

Win, Keep and Grow your Clients: Marketing and Communication Strategies for Law Firms Thursday, May 3 & Friday, May 4, 2018 – Paris, France #UIAStrategies4LawFirm  REGISTER NOW! How lawyers manage their marketing demonstrates the way in which they deliver client services. Day 1 will focus on building and developing relationships from the first contact to

Informacja o konferencji pt. „Tackling Gender-based Violence in Europe: Advancing Strategies to End Abuses against Women and Girls”

Informacja o konferencji pt. „Tackling Gender-based Violence in Europe: Advancing Strategies to End Abuses against Women and Girls”

Tackling Gender-based Violence in Europe:  Advancing Strategies to End Abuses Against Women and Girls Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre, Brussels Tuesday 20th February 2018 Event Details  Website  Register to Attend According to the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) one in three women has experienced violence since the age of 15. Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) is linked

2018 r.: informacja o ofercie szkoleniowej International Law Institute w Waszyngtonie

Dear Colleague: We are pleased to announce the 2018 Seminar Schedule for the International Law Institute (ILI). ILI offers training to assist government officials, practitioners and the private sector in finding solutions to the legal and economic challenges faced by developing nations and emerging economies. Participants are exposed to the best practices in good governance, management, and