Home / Aktualności / Londyn: Summer Course in Advanced European Law 25 June – 4 July 2018

Londyn: Summer Course in Advanced European Law 25 June – 4 July 2018

 Bookings open for our Summer Course in Advanced EU Law – suitable for those with a prior knowledge of European Union Law working in a law related environment.

  • Expert tuition from King’s academics and top practitioners from a top rated law school
  • Wide range of EU Law subjects  covered * (see programme below)
  • Central London campus location near to legal sector and top attractions
  • Chance to network with other legal practitioners
  • Social programme  including  course dinner plus free time to explore London and beyond

 Enquiries to

 Christine Copping


Centre of European Law

The Dickson Poon School of Law

King’s College London


London WC2R 2LS

 Tel + 44 207 848 2387

Mob + 7712 854973