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2018 r.: informacja o ofercie szkoleniowej International Law Institute w Waszyngtonie

Dear Colleague:

We are pleased to announce the 2018 Seminar Schedule for the International Law Institute (ILI). ILI offers training to assist government officials, practitioners and the private sector in finding solutions to the legal and economic challenges faced by developing nations and emerging economies. Participants are exposed to the best practices in good governance, management, and transparency standards that will give them the tools to improve the performance of government agencies, promote public accountability in government and achieve economic growth. More than 32,000 participants, from 186 countries, have been trained by ILI and its global affiliates. We invite you to nominate appropriate candidates to participate in the following seminars to be held at our Washington, D.C. headquarters.

ILI organizes special seminars and conferences in the ILI facilities and abroad. ILI also partners with many renowned organizations to co-sponsor other events which contribute to the promotion of the rule of law and international development.

If you are interested in applying for, or nominating a colleague to attend one of our seminars, please contact us at +1-202-247-6006 or by email at

Don Wallace, Jr.



The International Law Institute, a non-profit educational and training institute based in Washington DC, is a leading provider of training and technical assistance related to governance, project management, public private partnerships, legislative drafting, and public administration. Established in 1955, originally as part of Georgetown University, ILI has a long-standing track record of assisting emerging economies and developing countries in achieving economic growth through sound governance and legal infrastructure.

ILI Centers of Expertise:

Chairman: Professor Don Wallace, Georgetown University Law Center
Executive Director: Kim Phan
Director of Programs: Gerhard Botha

International Law Institute
Fostering Prosperity Through the Rule of Law
1055 Thomas Jefferson St., NW Suite M-100 Washington, DC 20007
Tel: 202.247.6006 Fax: 202.247.6010 Website:

ILI Home Page  ILI Facebook  ILI LinkedIn

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