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The European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL)

l’Association Européenne des Avocats

The European Lawyers’ Association AEA-EAL is an international organisation founded in 1986. It brings together lawyers and professional Bar associations from Europe. The National Council has been a member of AEA-EAL since 1996. It was the first international organisation of lawyers to which the Polish community of attorneys at law was admitted. A fully-fledged participation in the works of AEA-EAL has opened for the National Council the way for a membership in the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) and the International Bar Association (IBA).

AEA-EAL promotes cooperation between lawyers and law firms from different countries, facilitates interaction and provides access to experts and specialists in various areas of law. At least once a year AEA-EAL organises its congress on a specific topic of the European law. For several years these conferences have been organised in collaboration with the Regional Bar Associations. So far they have been held in Szczecin, Poznań, Warsaw, Olsztyn, Gdańsk, Kraków and Białystok.


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1050 Brussels
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