Home / Aktualności / 2018 05 31 – 2018 06 01 Ryga: konferencja stowarzyszenia specjalistów z prawa upadłościowego INSOL Europe nt. „równoważenie interesów: restrukturyzacja, upadłość i druga szansa”

2018 05 31 – 2018 06 01 Ryga: konferencja stowarzyszenia specjalistów z prawa upadłościowego INSOL Europe nt. „równoważenie interesów: restrukturyzacja, upadłość i druga szansa”

Eastern European Countries’ Committee Conference will be held in Riga (Latvia) from 31 May – 1 June 2018.

The title of our 2018 conference is ’Balance of Interests: Restructuring, Insolvency and Second Chance’. The conference will be focused mainly on new approaches across Europe towards (cross-border) insolvency, how local and European laws have developed and the Commission’s plans for harmonisation of the Member States’ insolvency laws. The conference will consider the possibilities in different European jurisdictions for financing and other crucial tools to save as many companies as possible where there is a viable business.

Our Keynote Speakers for the 2018 conference in Riga are Latvia’s Prime Minister, Māris Kučinskis, and Minister of Justice, Dzintars Rasnačs. Attending our conference presents an excellent opportunity to meet industry experts and to learn about the latest trends in insolvency.

Riga is the largest city in Latvia and also its capital city, and the largest city in the Baltic States with over one third of Latvia’s population. Riga is home to the European Union’s office of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and is served by Riga International Airport, the largest airport in the Baltic states. The conference will be preceded by an optional networking dinner (on Thursday 31 May) in a restaurant in the centre of the old town, during which the guests can have a taste of both Latvia’s culinary and music traditions.

Registration for this event is now open and a Registration Brochure is available to download from our website.

For further information visit our website:

Paul Newson
Communications Manager
INSOL Europe

Tel: +44 7951 022978
Twitter: @INSOLEurope

INSOL Europe Conferences 2018:
31 May & 1 June: Eastern European Countries’ Committee Conference, Riga, Latvia
3-4 October: Academic Forum Conference, Athens, Greece
4-7 October: Annual Congress, Athens, Greece