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I etap Akademii Wiedzy o Prawie zakończony
W tegorocznym konkursie organizowanym przez Centrum Edukacji Prawnej przy KRRP wzięło udział 793 uczniów z klas podstawowych i gimnazjalnych z 202 placówek szkolnych.
ul. Powązkowska 15, 01-797 Warszawa, tel. 22 300 86 40,
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W tegorocznym konkursie organizowanym przez Centrum Edukacji Prawnej przy KRRP wzięło udział 793 uczniów z klas podstawowych i gimnazjalnych z 202 placówek szkolnych.
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Eastern European Countries’ Committee Conference will be held in Riga (Latvia) from 31 May – 1 June 2018. The title of our 2018 conference is ’Balance of Interests: Restructuring, Insolvency and Second Chance’. The conference will be focused mainly on new approaches across Europe towards (cross-border) insolvency, how local and European laws have developed and the Commission’s plans for […]
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On behalf of the European Young Bar Association (EYBA) and the Amsterdam Young Bar Association, our committee is organising this year’s annual EYBA Summer Conference & AGM 2018. This conference will take place in Amsterdam from Thursday, 28 June 2018 to Sunday, 1 July 2018 and this year’s theme will be “Dutch Masters”. This years’ edition will be […]
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EIUC is glad to announce the 13th edition of the Summer School in Cinema Human Rights and Advocacy, a training initiative developed by EIUC and CHRA dedicated to graduates, professionals of the human rights, media, NGO and advocacy sector and anyone who uses or is interested in using audio-visual media as a tool for promoting social change are encouraged to apply […]
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International Summer Programmes: English Law and Legal Methods Summer Programme:
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The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) is very pleased to announce the distinguished panel of speakers for the seminar: Harassment and Bullying in the Legal Workplace: Systemic or Rare? What can and should be done? Thursday 19 April 2018 The Law Society, London Doors open at 5.30pm Event starts at 6pm Click here to register for […]
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Zbigniew Tur, Wiceprezes Krajowej Rady Radców Prawnych 29 marca wziął udział w Konferencji Jubileuszowej Fundacji Uniwersyteckich Poradni Prawnych.
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Newsletter AEA-EAL, w trzech wersjach językowych, w załączeniu.